[oracle]Physical IO가 많은 상위 10개 테이블 조회하기
2008. 10. 8. 15:25
physical I/O가 많은 상위 10개 테이블 조회하기
select table_name,total_phys_io
from ( select owner||'.'||object_name as table_name,
sum(value) as total_phys_io
from v$segment_statistics
where owner!='SYS' and object_type='TABLE'
and statistic_name in ('physical reads','physical reads direct',
'physical writes','physical writes direct')
group by owner||'.'||object_name
order by total_phys_io desc)
where rownum <=10;
select table_name,total_phys_io
from ( select owner||'.'||object_name as table_name,
sum(value) as total_phys_io
from v$segment_statistics
where owner!='SYS' and object_type='TABLE'
and statistic_name in ('physical reads','physical reads direct',
'physical writes','physical writes direct')
group by owner||'.'||object_name
order by total_phys_io desc)
where rownum <=10;